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Is it possible for women whose confidence is shaken find the time to take this 5 Days Challenge to BREAK-FREE from this negative pattern and become the magnificent woman God intended you to be? No more stressing over the past!

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Your Monthly Strength Training Section




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Freedom Now

Silence Your Inner-Critic More Triumphantly. Click on image.

Get the Passionate, Playful Relationship You Desire and Deserve. Click on image.


There are some things you JUST don't feel like doing. Get stuff done. Click on image.

Live Your Purpose With Passion: Discovering and Fulfilling God's Plan For Your Life. Click on image

Your Writing Problem Solved, No Headache. Click on image.



The Power Up BOOST - A Quick Fix Solution. Click on image.

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Relax and read my blogs

Procrastinating? Dunk it!


Dunk it!

Get things done.  Build momentum with systems.  No more leaving stuff undone when you JUST don't feel like it!  

It is robbing you of your precious time and valuable resources - your money, opportunities, and your self-esteem.  What else are you missing out of?  You don't like who you have become.  Your habit of putting things off is making you feel guilty, unmotivated, and dissatisfied. You are showing up frustrated and even resentful.

Procrastination is not laziness, though it appears like that to some watching. It is not a character defect, or a reflection on your as a person.  Productivity does not determine or measure your worth.  You  are worthy.  You just are.  Give yourself the compassion that you need. This is an issue with self-regulation that can be settled.  Ask me how I know.

There are things you said you would do, but you never got around to doing them.  There is never the right time and enough motivation to tackle them.  The truth is, the lack of time is a lie you keep telling yourself, and motivation is something you don't need to get started.  It will come.

That's right.

Beat procrastination and feel like a champ!

Whether it's that well-meaning project, that fantastic business idea you want to get off the ground, an assignment, the dirty dishes, housework, that course you've been meaning to take that will add value to you and your current position, writing that financial report, getting a head start with writing your book, or a change you've been wanting to make, that exercise you've been wanting to start You aren't going to feel like doing things that are tough and scary, new and difficult.  You need  simple tools - simple strategies that create lasting behaviour change.

A strategy that consistently bypasses willpower is a wise long-term strategy for overcoming procrastination.  


I help you build systems.   A goal focuses on the destination - a result you want to achieve. However, a system is the process that leads to those results.  The purpose of goals is to win the game.  The purpose of system is to continue playing the game.  Systems help build your new identity. 

I told my body that I am the mind because sometimes our daily routines (mental programming) can trip us up and keep us from doing what's important and what we said we will do.  


You deserve a better toolbox.

I walked away from the corporate world to pursue my many passions and gifts.  Alas, procrastination caught up with me with its pestering, guilty ways.   However, I overcame to start, run, and succeed in my business i.e. Caryl Bowman Counselling, Coaching & Consultancy.  I am living my purpose with passion.

What's keeping you from living your values?

What is it costing you to stay where you are mentally, emotionally, physically?   

Who do you want to become?

What needs to change?

You will:

* Get things done.

* Have a higher performance that is more meaningful

* Become the cause and effect in your life.

* Have a deeper satisfaction and fulfillment beyond monetary happiness

* Learn to set motivational trigger-goals 

* Identify mental resistance and roadblocks 

* Break down work in bite sizes

* Learn new and effective tools and perspectives

* Identify and acknowledge your emotions towards work and manage them

* Layer habits so you get powerful results 



Have more freedom, more impact, and more play in your work and life.  Become a Fulfillment Pro!

"You are the greatest project you will ever get to work on.  Take your time."  - Unknown

Productivity does not determine or measure your worth.


Dunk it!

Get things done.  No more leaving stuff undone when you JUST don't feel like it!


Take the next step.   Grab my free gift. Then make your request for Procrastinating?  Dunk it!  Use the Contact Form.  I support you.

Are you ready to transform your life today?

You are meant to flourish.

Wake up excited about your life.


Come again soon. Wake up excited about your life!

Come again soon.  Wake up excited about your life!

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