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Showing posts from November, 2021

Click on image for this free gift.

Click on image for this free gift.
Is it possible for women whose confidence is shaken find the time to take this 5 Days Challenge to BREAK-FREE from this negative pattern and become the magnificent woman God intended you to be? No more stressing over the past!

Your Monthly Strength Training Section

Your Monthly Strength Training Section




A game for couples. Learn more here. Click on image.

Book a presentation or training workshop for your team.

Book a presentation or training workshop for your team.



Freedom Now

Freedom Now

Silence Your Inner-Critic More Triumphantly. Click on image.

Get the Passionate, Playful Relationship You Desire and Deserve. Click on image.


There are some things you JUST don't feel like doing. Get stuff done. Click on image.

Live Your Purpose With Passion: Discovering and Fulfilling God's Plan For Your Life. Click on image

Your Writing Problem Solved, No Headache. Click on image.



The Power Up BOOST - A Quick Fix Solution. Click on image.

Relax and read my blogs

Relax and read my blogs

A Stitch in Time

"THE FACT THAT SOMEONE ELSE LOVES YOU DOESN'T RESCUE YOU from the project of loving yourself." - Sahaj Kahl What if you can develop an appreciation for your weaknesses as well as your strengths? And what if you have less of a need to explain your shortcomings because you have and give yourself enough compassion and grace? What if you can?   This requires that you know yourself.  Here is an easy way to find out about YOU using the PULSE + V Method: P is for Purpose.  What is your purpose in life?  What is your meaning and contribution? U is for Unique.  What makes you unique? L is for limiting beliefs.  What is the critic in your head telling you, you can't do or be? S is for Superpower.  What do people say about you when you are not in the room? E is for Energy.  What/Who lights you up? + V is for Values.  What's in your heart that makes you do the things you do and will always be in your heart for the rest of your life?  Write the answers.   For further self-awa

When Life Throws You a Curve Ball

  YOU NEVER LOSE YOUR VALUE.  YOU NEVER LOSE YOUR WORTH , no matter what.  If you have asked the following questions: Loving yourself - what does that look like?  What does it mean?  Here's your story. Annie 's regular visits to her hairdresser were sidelined by Covid-19  restrictions on social gatherings.  A few months into lockdown, she decided to grow her hair natural.  She had no choice. So, she cut and coloured it, and sport a low, natural look with neatly contour edges. She posted it. I spotted it on her Facebook page and thought, "Wow, she looks so much younger!" She started telling me about the fun she was having and the attention she was attracting from men, especially younger men - less than half her age! The public stares and compliments from men and women followed her unabated.  And many a nights after the curfew hours were rolled back, Annie started to re-visit her favourite restaurant.  Men picked up her tab at the restaurant's bar. Here's your v

Becoming a Promise Speaker!

SPEAK WHAT YOU SEEK UNTIL YOU SEE WHAT YOU SPEAK.   Speak what you seek, until you see what you say. Find a promise.  Speak God's Word. For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.  Align your will with God's divine will.  What is the principle of promise-time harvesting? Harvesting requires some maintenance.  First, the gathering of the promises. Then, the sowing (hide them in your heart so they take root). Next, meditating (committed reflection). Also, rebuking the weeds of doubt, worry, lies and fear that come up to choke the Word. Finally,  activating (speaking the promises) the wondrous promises of God.  We are blessed to have His assurance that will strengthen us in times of desperate and urgent need.  Become a promise speaker.   King Pharoah woke up with a dream.  Joseph interpreted Pharoah's dream and warned him about a famine that was coming.  The dream advised Pharoah to reserve food for the seven years of famine that was to

Come again soon. Wake up excited about your life!

Come again soon.  Wake up excited about your life!