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Is it possible for women whose confidence is shaken find the time to take this 5 Days Challenge to BREAK-FREE from this negative pattern and become the magnificent woman God intended you to be? No more stressing over the past!

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Your Monthly Strength Training Section




A game for couples. Learn more here. Click on image.

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Freedom Now

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Get the Passionate, Playful Relationship You Desire and Deserve. Click on image.


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Live Your Purpose With Passion: Discovering and Fulfilling God's Plan For Your Life. Click on image

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The Power Up BOOST - A Quick Fix Solution. Click on image.

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Relax and read my blogs

The Habit Magic of Gratitude

LET US COME INTO HIS PRESENCE WITH THANKSGIVING; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise! (Psalm 95:2)  
"Gratitude opens up the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe." - Deepak Chopra.   A heartfelt genuine habit of gratitude has the transformational power to influence the trajectory of your life.  Principles determine all of life's outcomes.  This is true in every aspect of life.

The widow whose husband died and left her in debt cried to Elisha the prophet saying the creditor is coming to take my two sons and use them as slaves. (2 Kings 4)

Elisha asked her what do you have left in your house?

She said nothing, except a pot of oil.  Elisha instructed her to go collect jars and fill them with the oil she has.  Sell the oil and pay off your debt and live on the rest.  

She obeyed.  

She took an act of faith.

As she pours in the natural, God pours in the supernatural.  A little in your hand becomes a lot in the master's hand. So, focus on what you have left, not on who left or what you have lost or what has been taken away.

When you shift your focus from what you don't have to what you have left and do so with love, appreciation, care and gratitude you create an atmosphere for God to work a miracle in your life that is beyond your expectation.  
Create the energy for what you want to experience.

Start to acknowledge the things, the people, the resources, and experiences you are fortunate to have in your life.

Perhaps, you are down to almost nothing like the widow with one pot of oil.  

What is the ONE thing you have left?

What are you desiring in your life?

What do you want to see happen? 

What can you do right now to start influence, direct, and manage the outcomes you desire and deserve?

Here's one thing you can do.  Activate the principle of gratitude in your life and grow your appreciation for what you already have with heartfelt genuineness.

Grab a fruit.  Bring to mind all the people involved in bringing that fruit to your home.  As you become aware of the number of people that it takes for that fruit to be relished by you, send out grateful wishes to those people. The farmers, the pickers, the boxers, the drivers, the stockers, the supermarket owner who made it possible - the chain is immense. 

When you become more aware of the inter-connectivity of the universe, gratitude springs up!  Feel it.  Mean it.  See it.  Let the feeling full up your spirit, hitting you at your core.  Your faith will rise, so will your expectation.  With gratitude swarming through and occupying every area of your life - your health, your relationships, your finance with heartfelt genuineness you will support a more satisfying view of your life than the view that exists which will have a direct, immediate and positive impact on your wellbeing and happiness. 

Start to create the life you desire and deserve with the tool of gratitude.  Do it intentionally.  Set the intention to enjoy every moment of the experience.  God wants to prosper you.

This new space you have created for yourself will allow God to work miracles in your life.  Open your heart so the feeling of gratitude can dwell inside of you hitting your core, feeding your spirit.  Open the awareness of the small, still significant things occupying your space.  It can be an invigorating smell, an uplifting music or words, a kind gesture demonstrated by someone.  A telephone call from a friend that was enjoyable. You were able to pay a bill, make a car payment.  Don't overlook these tender mercies - God's grace.  Where there was constriction, there is expansion.  Where there was a feeling of lack, there is a feeling of abundance.  Make this new way of being, a habit with a light dash of it throughout your day.  Focus not on the intensity and duration, but on the frequency of gratitude in your life!

I support you.

Here's your value prompt:

1.  What is keeping you from developing an attitude of gratitude that is genuine, heartfelt and frequent?

2.  What adjustments can be made?

3.  What are the outcomes you desire?

4.  What is the next right step you will take today to experience more abundance, well-being, joy and satisfaction from an attitude of gratitude?

Do it.

 It is my hope this serves you.  I support you.


Thank you so much for stopping by.  I really appreciate your presence here. Please leave a comment so others may be inspired by your insight.   Thank you for reading and contributing.

Thank you for the pleasure of your time.

Wake up excited about your life!


Come again soon. Wake up excited about your life!

Come again soon.  Wake up excited about your life!

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